This is all such a new experience and my mind cannot quite grasp it - reality has not sunk in yet. For the first time in my life I will not be an Oregon resident, will live in a town where I am the minority and be surrounded by a culture I am only beginning to understand. Sometimes I ask God, "Are you sure I am the one you want to send? A small white girl from a tiny hick town in rural Central Oregon going to the inner city of Los Angeles? In addition to that, you want me to teach in the public schools! But I am not yet qualified and I have never taught in a high school classroom." Thankful my God is big, my God is powerful and my God accomplishes the impossible. So yes, He wants me to go. He chooses the foolish to shame the wise. It is not about who I am or who Cami is, it is about who God chooses and He chose us. So yesterday we said goodbye to Portland and tomorrow we will say good
Our last week in Portland was emotional, full of excitement, adventure and heartbreak. It was perfect. The week started with an emotional last day at church. Walking into the classroom for the last time and having a handful of girls run up to give me a hug was enough to make me cry - man am I gonna miss those hugs. In service Pastor George called us to the front and had all the youth in the sanctuary come stand behind us. Then with sincere, passionate hearts a few prayed for us and the tears were flowing once again. At the end of service Pastor challenged the body to dig deep and bless us as we go. By the end of the week our church had giv
Tuesday we hiked up Mt. Hood with our dear friend D'arcy. Although we did not summit, I wa
To some of you this decision may seem a little foolish, but it is a decision we did not make out of logic. This decision is one made in
foolish decision?! since when did stepping out and doing sweet things become foolish? and besides, you're going to LA-the land of levelheaded, good willing, and genuine robbers...i mean people
ReplyDeleteLast night the DTS speaker for the week talked to us about being desperate for God. When we have our lives all down pat we need God, yes... but we don't NEED him.
ReplyDeleteBeing truly desperate for him is being willing to say, "God no matter what you'd have us do, we will do it"... even if that means launching off into a wild, uncertain, seemingly foolish and insecure future. God loves to meet us in our uncertainty and do incredible, miraculous things.
I am *absolutely confident* that amazing things are in store for you. I can't wait to see what they are!
Love to the both of you...I am happy to find you both well and following after God's heart! You will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I have put you as a link on my site so that I can check up on you often :-) Come visit me anytime. (there is a link on that to Aloria's site...with lots of pictures!