Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Well...for those of you that know my wife at all, you'll know that 1) she has brown hair and eyes and 2) LOVES to watch Law & Order. In our old apartment in Portland, we used a bent-up coat hanger as a TV antenna, which worked just fine. However, down here in the big city the 'ol coat hanger trick doesn't seem to be working quite as well. Last night, Law & Order was on, and Deidre is not one to take missing an episode here is what our new and "improved" TV antenna looks like...

(click the picture to enlarge it)

It really does work better when you're hanging on to it too... This is reason enough for me never to get cable, not only does the TV entertain me, but my wife does now too!!


  1. Okay, that is hIlarious!
    I am also a Law and Order lover...though I can't say I've seen it in quite a while. We have a difficult time with the Simpsons and According to Jim, which comes on before that (Aaron and I love that show...very funny)...I think I may use that tinfoil trick next time it doesn't come in well! Thank you Deidre, thank you!!!

  2. Can you say "GHETTO"?? Sorry, but that is the funniest thing I have seen! You crack me up, Diedre. And I love your haircut.

  3. Niiiice. What's this "law and order" show you speak of? I didn't realize there was TV apart from LOST and 24? How ya'll doing? Cam, drop me note on my myspace

  4. Hi Neighbors!

    How do you get channel 4? I can only get the static, even with amplification!

    BTW, I'm down in 141S and can't get channel 4 :(

