Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3rd Annual Whaley/Potter Thanksgiving

We spent this Thanksgiving weekend in the home of our dear friends Jason and Hannah. They were so welcoming and hospitable - we spent three days relaxing, playing games, have great fellowship and, of course, eating TONS of delicious food. I wish I had pictures to show you all the gourmet dishes Hannah made for us. She loves to bake and we love to eat everything she makes. This was Oscar's first "white" Thanksgiving, so he was especially delighted by all the food. It was a wonderful time full of great fellowship.

As is our tradition, we all went for a hike the day after Thanksgiving. We did Carr Canyon, a hike near their home that is 6 miles round trip, to the top of the peak pictured on the left.

Everyone showing off their pregnant tummies
(Hannah 32 weeks, me 18 and the other two are just full of turkey and other deliciousness)

This was Oscar's first "white" Thanksgiving and he definitely enjoyed all the wonderful food traditions :)


  1. Well congratulations!!! I didn't catch your 16 weeks entry so I was like, "hold the phone..." and went in search of your announcement blog :-) ...and then got confused about Oscar until I figured that out too, hehe. A lots been going on...as seems usual in your blogs...and now you have one more blessing to look forward to. :-) I am about two months behind you it seems like...and I wish I could say the same about my morning sickness...it's always been pretty awful...but I'm in my second trimester and feeling much better. Do you know what you're having yet...and/or got any names at the top of your list. As it is your first...it seems usual that you won't want to say, so it's probably futile for me to ask, but I thought I'd try :-) Merry Christmas!

  2. Deidre - Cami looks more pregnant than you! :) Wish we could see you guys this Christmas!
