About a month later, Oscar and his girlfriend decided it was time to tell her parents that she was pregnant. That was a long emotional night that left Oscar feeling alone and worthless. About two weeks later he called Cami. Oscar sat down in our living room and told us he was tired of being a "low life". He was ready to change, but knew it wouldn't happen in the 'hood and asked for our help. He wanted to live with people that would make him go to church and help him make good decisions. He wanted to be around the Dream Center, because this was the only place he had experienced hope before. Before even talking to him, Cami and I already knew the Lord was asking us to take him in, so he move in that night.
It has been an interesting 6 months so far, full of joy, hope, frustration, discouragement and trials. There is too much to sum up in a story, so here are a few highlights:
1. Oscar's son Ryan was born 11 weeks early on Tuesday, August 11th around 9:15 am (the second day of the semester for us). Ryan was released from the hospital in late September and is doing great!
2. Shortly after Ryan was born Oscar discovered that his papers expired, so he is not a legal resident and unable to work. Luckily Immigration understands that a teenager is not likely to stay on top of such legal matters, so he has not been deported. Rather he gathered papers to prove he has been residing here in the States and is now just waiting on the money he needs to get his papers reinstated.
3. Oscar has court dates due to driving without a license. Since moving in with us, he has started to attend those rather than just try to hide from the system. He is courageously taking the first steps in taking care of his past mistakes!
4. He started attending a local high school for teen parents, but unfortunately quit going around the end of November.
5. He has found another ministry, Homeboy Industries, that is willing to give him work until he becomes legal and then they will help him get another job.
6. On the night that I started the first blog about Oscar he walked out of Homeboy to discover some of his old gang members waiting by his car. They convince him to drive down to the 'hood and get 'jumped out' (a common gang practice of beating on the "traitor" for a specified amount of time and then just leaving them there to suffer on the street). To Oscar's advantage, some of his 'friends' were there and held the group back a little, so no major damage was done. Unfortunately, the head dog informed Oscar that "the hood is for life" and that it doesn't matter what he has done, they still expect him to run missions. Although it wasn't the smartest choice, we do recognize that it was a courageous one and an attempt at leaving the past behind.
7. One time while reading the Bible together Cami asked Oscar to summarize what he had just read. Oscar began to recap the story by saying that Jesus was around people who make pants. "Make pants," Cami asked. To which Oscar responded, "The Levites." :)
~ He struggles to make the tough decisions because he has never had to before.
~ We often have to convince him to stay, that he is worth the effort as Oscar would rather quit and submit to the lie that says he will always be a lowlife.
~ Cami and I are not experienced in all of this. We want to be Christ's hands and feet to Oscar, but we don't want to rescue him either. We are doing our best to teach him to stand on his own two feet, but he has never had to before and there are people in his life offering to carry him.
Well that is probably enough for today. Thanks for reading! And if you have any questions that I may have aroused, please ask. I love to share our story and Oscar's.
Also, Ro (Cami's older sister) has encouraged me to share some of my musing about living here in LA doing what we do. So you can expect some of that soon, rather than just stories.
Thanks again for reading!!!!
Thanks for sharing Deidre...I love being updated on your life :)